Lietuvos Šaškių Kompozicijos Mėgėjų Sąjunga





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Lietuvos šaškių kompozitoriai

LŠKMS varžybų  kalendorius

Lietuvos sudarymo čempionatai

Lietuvos sprendimo čempionatai

Tarptautiniai konkursai

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Nuotraukų galerija


Tarptautiniai konkursai

Tarptautinis Tadiko Morkaus atminimui


Of International Draughts Concourse in Memory Of

Tadikas Morkus (21/04/1933 – 31/10/2013)


1. This Concourse is organized by The Union of Lithuanian Draughts Composers and is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Tadikas Morkus. This Regulation Act had been reviewed and approved by CPI FMJD.  

2. Concourse timeframe:  June 1, 2017 – April 1, 2018                                                                      

This concourse has 2 categories which comply with separate International Rules (RI) for problems-64 and problems-100.

3. The problems in each category shall not have any white and black Kings in Initial position and shall meet all requirements to Super level problem (RS). The problems which only meet Base level (RB) or Master level (RM) will be identify during competition and at the end eliminated in the final judge report.    

4. Only new problems or problems published after January 1, 2015 can participate in Concourse. The problerms which already participated in other competitions or participate in other competitions during this Concourse, are not allowed and will be eliminated if this will be detected after beginning of concorse.

5. Team- and co-author problems are prohibited. Referee Committee members can participate in Concourse depends on total number of referees. 

6. Concourse has two theme free categories.

7. Each category has special request: black and white cannot have more than one man on the penultimate horizontal row. Example: A. Nikolayev, “Molodezh Azerbaidjana”, 28-02-1985 - 20,27,28,30,32,36/7,8,29,41,42 – 427,7-2,3,47+. The problem doesn‘t  meet special criteria. White has extra man on the 9th row: mans on 7 and 8. V. Matus, „Mir Miniatur“, 1994 -  20, 22, 30, 31, 38, 40, 41/8, 11, 12, 21, 33, 42, 49 – 29,2,44,12-7,1,47+. The problem meets special criteria – white and black have only one man on the penultimate horizontal row.

8.1. Category A.

Russian Draughts (64) problems with material balance from 6х7 or 7х6 up to 12х12 inclusively.

8.2. Category B.

International Draughts (100) problems with material balance from 9x10 or 10x9 up to 16x16 inclusively.

9. In each category participant can submit no more than 2 compositions with clearly written category and full solution until the moment  when white win is obvious. Solution must be written in short notation. Only compositional variations, compositional false solutions and legacy prove must be written. Legacy prove is necessary when it is not clear how black attack white piece(s).  Only these solutions will be publish by Concourse Coordinator on the Internet sites shown below in this document. If position was already published, author should write date and place of first publication


10. Each problem gets evaluation number from each referee. The final evaluation number for each problem in each category will be average of central evaluation numbers without the highest and lowest numbers. Participant who works in Referee Committee do not evaluate his own problems. Problem elimination (0 evaluation number) is allow based on objective criteria’s written in the International Rules (RI) for problems competition.   

11. Ranking criteria’s in case of tie evaluation points.

11.1. Highest place of the 2nd problem in category.

11.2. Highest evaluation number of the 2nd problem in category.

12. Awardees in each category shall receive medals, diplomas and monetary prize:

1st place – 50 Euro.

2nd place – 40 euro.

3rd place – 30 euro.

13. The following Referee Committee’s created:

13.1. Category A: Mikhailo Levandovsky (Ukraine), Anatoly Panchenko (Ukraine), Rustam Shayakhmetov (Bashkortostan, Russia), Vitaly Varushila (Belarus).

13.2. Category A: Mikhailo Levandovsky (Ukraine), Alexander Moiseyev (USA), Tjipke Smedinga (The Netherlands), Alain Tavernier (France), Vitaly Varushila (Belarus).

14. Concourse Consultant – Alexаnder Polevoy (Israel).

15. Concourse Coordinator - Stasys Žilevičius (Lietuva).

16. Participants shall submit problems to Coordinator until August 1, 2017 inclusively by either post mail or electronic mail addresses.  The problems submitted after August 1, 2017  follow mail stamp, will not be accepted and registered.

16.1. Post mail address:                                                                                        

Stasys Žilevičius

Šaulių 19-1

LT 98124 Skuodas

Lietuva / Lithuania

16.2. Electronic email address:

If compositions will be submitted by email, they also MUST be duplicated with submission by regular mail! 

17. Participants will be awarded by qualification points follow CPI FMJD statue.

18. Concourse Regulation Act, preliminary and final results will be published on the following Internet sites:

LŠKMS website:

MIF Forum:   

CPI FMJD website:



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