Lietuvos Šaškių Kompozicijos Mėgėjų Sąjunga





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Tarptautiniai konkursai

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Tarptautiniai konkursai

Lietuva - 2017

The regulations for the international draughts composition contest Vilnius-2017


1.The Lithuanian Draughts Composition Amateurs Union are organising an international contest of draughts composition. The regulations were cordinated with CPI.


2.The contest will take place between the 1st of January 2017 and the 1st of January 2018 and will be caried out according to the CPI FMJD International Rules for Endgame -problems.


3.Eliglible submissions are: new problems and those published after the 1st of January 2015.Endgames submitted to other competitions either before during the duration of the contest will be rejected or disqualified.


4.Co-operation and co-authorship is forbiden.


5.The contest has two categories for submissions in endgames-100.The following are the criteria fore ach category:

5.1.Category A. Endgames-100. Theme:two white kings in an initial position, the task-white wins.

5.2.Category B. Endgames-100. Theme:one white king and one white piece in an initial position, the task-white wins.


6.Parcipants can offer up to two compositions in each category, indicating the category and the full solution until the moment the victory of the white draughts leaves no doubts.Solutions should be given in a short form, indicating only compositional variants and compositional false directions and proof of the intial positions legality (if in the initial position the white draughts are attacked by the black draughts) .The coordinator must publish these solutions on the website listed in these regulations.If thematic false solution is inside of a non-thematic variant(s) , then such non-thematic variant(s)  should be indicated with small letters of Latin alphabet:a, b, c, d etc.If the endgame has been published previosly, the author has to indicate the data and place of publishing.


7.All endgames will be ranked separately and receive points. Endgames can only be awarded 0 points based on objective criteria.


8.The winners of the contest (1st-3rd places)  are awarded medals and certificates.


9.The judges of the contest are: А.Katiucha (Ukraine) , A.Moiseyev(USA) , V.Shulga (Belarus) .R.Mackevičius (Lithuania)  has been appointed the coordinator of the contest.


10.The parcipants should send their submissions until the 1st of the April 2017 to the coordinator of the contest R. Mackevičius at: R. Mackevicius,  Parko 30-25, Vilnius, LT-11214, Lietuva or by sending them to the following email address:


11.The International Master points are awarded according the Statute of the CPI.


12.The regulations of the contest,  positions and solutions,  notes,  preliminary and final results of the contest will be published on the following websites:

CPI FMJD site:

LSKMS site:


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